“Just as we did in the first game,” Tierney says, “you’re going to see WayForward’s version of dozens of additional characters : some of them are new, but some of them are those classic characters from the 80s and 90s from those games in Japan. With this new River City Girls sequel, WayForward looks to represent that Kunio-kun legacy.
With more than 35 years of history under its belt, the River City series has continuously grown to encapsulate dozens of spinoffs with hundreds of unique characters between them-only some of which may be familiar to audiences outside of Japan, considering that only a handful were ever localized for international audiences. WayForward certainly had plenty of material to draw from. The second game is this awesome opportunity to take the best of what we had in the first game and add to it: story-wise, character-wise, and move-wise, it’s so much larger than what we did in the last one.”

But because of the structure of this, we could build on the city, we can add more playable characters, we can add more enemies, more moves. “We don’t really get to do that much-usually, when WayForward does a game, we work on it for a year or year and a half, we finish it, and then we’re done and we move on to the next one. “One of the nice things about the River City Girls games is they’ve always been able to iterate off each other,” Tierney says. According to Tierney and Rudis, this sequel posed exciting opportunities for growing the series from the very beginning. Picking up immediately after the events of the first game, River City Girls 2 sees players once again control the eponymous Misako and Kyoko, their boyfriends Kunio and as well as new additions Marian and Provie, on a quest to curb stomp a new threat that’s arisen in River City. Speaking with Goomba Stomp in a recent episode of the NXpress Nintendo Podcast, River City Girls series directors Bannon Rudis and Adam Tierney discussed the process of continuing this expansion of the River City universe, meeting fan feedback, and delivering a truly living world to explore. River City Girls may have been a wildly creative gender-bending approach to its series, but to hear WayForward describe it, the game was only the latest in a lengthy line of spin-offs and reinventions of the Kunio-kun franchise started by the now-defunct studio Technos Japan. According to its developers, though, this first title was just the beginning: with River City Girls 2, WayForward promises to deliver an even more expansive take on the beat ‘em ups genre with even more characters, moves, and scenarios-to the point that we may even have a River City cinematic universe in the making. Jam-packed with versatile combos, charming characters, and dynamic environments, WayForward and Arc System Works’ River City Girls was already one of the most ambitious beat ‘em ups in recent memory when it released in 2019.